The goal of this example is to detail the minimum steps needed to run EclipseLink inside Tomcat using the Eclipse IDE - at this point no presentation/controller layer such as JSF, Spring or Struts will be used beyond a basic HttpServlet so we can concentrate on the the integration layer JPA setup.
#Apache tomcat wiki how to
This basic example details how to use Eclipse to run/debug a minimum JPA Application Managed web application servlet using EclipseLink JPA as the persistence provider. If you want to get a small JPA web application running quickly on Tomcat - the services provided by the Web Tools Project plugin in the Eclipse IDE can take care of the deployment details and set the server into debug mode for you. Tomcat 6 is not a Java EE 5 compliant server by design as it is a servlet container, however the servlet container is able to run EJB 3.0/JPA applications in application-managed Java SE (stand alone) mode. 1.19 Using JNDI outside the Tomcat container for J2SE ApplicationsĮclipseLink JPA Deployed on Tomcat 6 using Eclipse WTP.1.18 Perform Object Inserts and a JPQL query.1.15.3 Direct connection (RESOURCE_LOCAL) Persistence.xml.

1.7.3 Download EclipseLink using SVN - developers only.1.7.1 Download EclipseLink using HTTP - recommended.1.6 JNDI Datasource Setup - not recommended.1.3.3 Install the Tomcat 6 Web Container.